Heolddu Comprehensive

Contact Us


We provide a range of inclusive services, catering to students with diverse learning needs. Our team comprises highly experienced and empathetic teaching assistants who collaborate with the ALN coordinator and teaching staff. Their role is to ensure that all students can access the curriculum to the best of their ability while fostering their emotional well-being and social development.

We are strong advocates of inclusion for all, taking a person-centred approach to supporting our pupils. This approach places our learners at the centre of planning and reviewing their support and progress. Additionally, we maintain an active pupil voice group that collaborates closely with the senior leadership team to shape the additional learning support provided to students. We recognize that effective inclusion is achieved through outstanding classroom practices and the facilitation of regular 'staff surgeries' where best practices are shared, and individual learner needs are professionally discussed.

Our commitment extends to working collaboratively with families and the community to support our students. We have established robust and effective relationships with various multi-agency stakeholders, ensuring access to tailored professional support for an array of social, emotional, behavioural, medical, and educational needs.

Academic Support and Interventions

If a student with additional learning needs is not making their expected progress, we offer targeted intervention and whole school initiatives including, but not limited to:

  • Rainbow Readers
  • Phonics intervention
  • Literacy or numeracy intervention (e.g., 1-2-1 or small groups)
  • Support from teaching assistants in lessons
  • COMiT communications intervention
  • Talkabout communications intervention
  • SpLD mentoring and tuition
  • Lego Therapy
  • 5-point anxiety scale support
  • E.L.S.A. (Emotional Literacy Support Assistants)
  • Nurture classes
  • Access to I.C.T. (e.g. Laptops/iPads/Reader pens etc.)
  • Sensory Room
  • Nurture Hub for pastoral support
  • School-based Counselling
  • C.B.T. (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) 
  • Bespoke E.B.S.A. Support (Emotionally Based School Avoidance)

Next Steps

In the coming academic year, we have the following priorities set for the ALN provision:

  • To adopt systems and procedures to comply with the new code of practice.
  • To further refine the intervention and ALN support programmes to improve the progress, attainment and therefore educational outcomes of students.
  • To offer continued professional development for all staff to further improve ALN provision within all classrooms

School Inclusion and Accessibility Policy

accessibility to education policy.pdf

 ALN Policy

aln policy.pdf

 You can access useful information regarding the ALN reform in Wales here: 

ALN Reform | Snap Cymru

If you have any questions or would like to discuss ALN provision, please contact our ALN Coordinator, Miss Cerys Jones, by phone at 01443 875531, or via email at CJones@heolddu.org.